
Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the daily probability of precipitation higher than any of hourly probabilities for the same day?

This is one confusing part of probability. While there may be just a small chance of precipitation during any individual hour, there are many chances for precipitation throughout the entire day. Because there are more chances for precipitation, the probability for the whole day will be higher than for any single hour.

The more hours you wait, the more likely it will rain during at least one of them.

What Weather Source does MWeather use?

MWeather uses DarkSky up to iOS15. After that MWeather works with Apple Weather.

Click here to go to DarkSky.netClick here to go to Apple Weather

What Data Points does the App show?

current Temperature
current Condition
High / Low Temperature
Rain Probability
Sunrise / Sunset Time
current Feels Like Temperature
Wind Speed and Direction
Amount of Rain
UV Index
Waxing / Waning crescent
Day Summary

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